看起来有些格格不入的山姆(安德斯·丹尼尔森·李 Anders Danielsen Lie 饰)来到前女友组织的喧嚣派对之中。整个晚上人们纵情狂欢,高歌劲舞,山姆焦灼地穿梭而过,渴望早些取到想要的东西快些离去。许是神经过于紧绷,疲惫的山姆瘫坐在沙发中沉沉睡去,全然没有听到门外传来的撞击声和尖叫声。次日一早,山姆醒来,正准备带着个人物品离开,结果却发现房间墙壁、地板满是血迹,此前活生生的人全部变成了嗜...
The story revolves around a G8 meeting, held at a luxury hotel on the German coast, where the world’s most powerful economists are gathered to enact important provisions that will deeply influence the...
Carmen learns that her daughter Maria died in an accident. After a couple of days, she decides to go to her apartment for some paperwork but here she discovers that Maria was about to adopt a Vietname...
In Mr Bigstuff, estranged brothers Glen a nervy perfectionist striving to live the suburban ideal and Lee an alpha male with a prescription drug addiction and a biscuit tin full of his Dad’s ashes. Th...
头发花白的杰克·科沃基恩(阿尔·帕西诺 Al Pacino 饰)是美国密西根州一名备受争议的医生,在几十年的职业生涯中,他亲眼见过无数人为病痛所折磨,却求生不得,求死不能。杰克坚信医生的职责不仅是要尽最大努力医治病患,更要设身处地为病人着想,满足他们的需求,包括他们对死的渴望。因此,杰克尝试帮对生活失去希望的病人施行安乐死。但是他的做法遭到了普罗大众的一致反对,人们斥责他剥夺病患的生命,更送他“死...