Afflicted with a mysterious disease after surviving an overdose, a woman returns to her childhood home to confront her personal demons but instead discovers a real one....
A chamber orchestra is working out of a rundown theatre in Reykjavik. Financial hardship places a great strain on the band and the lead violinist, Sigrun. The annual grant from the city is coming to a...
布鲁斯 韦恩(克里斯汀•贝尔 Christian Bale 饰)童年亲眼目睹了父母在高谭市街头被歹徒枪杀,韦恩充满怒火。在继承了父亲亿万家产后,韦恩开始环游世界,希望凭自己的力量复仇和打击犯罪!韦恩为了了解罪犯的心理,在亚洲他亲自体现了犯罪的感觉,最后被捕入狱。他在狱中遇到了武艺高强的杜卡,杜卡传授了韦恩高强的武艺和坚韧的意志力。韦恩很快被神秘的影忍者盟看上,忍者大师一直想邀他加入。韦恩不久发...