In order to prevent a deadly explosion, an illicit crack team has 24 hours to drive two truckloads of nitroglycerine across a desert laden with danger....
因为未来的自己阻止了巴里·艾伦(格兰特·古斯汀 Grant Gustin 饰)穿越回到过去去拯救自己的母亲,于是当他回到了现在并成功阻止了逆闪之后,却发现此时虫洞已经因为那为逆闪准备的第二次时空穿越而重新打开且无法关闭,而巴里必须设法阻止这场能够危及中城的灾难。与此同时,一名自称“极速”的人物不远万里穿越了平行宇宙 前来追杀闪电侠,而他的理由,仅仅只是为了让自己成为全宇宙中唯一的极速者........
A fourth season of 12 episodes has been confirmed and will premiere on June 23, 2014 on MTV. This will be the first season not to star Crystal Reed. New cast additions include Meagan Tandy as Braeden ...