For twenty years, ex-con Charlie Sundstrom (Bailey Chase) has dreamed of seeing his son, but a confrontation in prison prior to Charlie's release has put his son's life in extreme danger. Whil...
吉米(大卫·卡罗素 David Caruso 饰)曾经在黑道里摸爬滚打,但如今改邪归正,成为了替警方效力的卧底。黑帮大佬利特(尼古拉斯·凯奇 Nicolas Cage 饰)十分赏识有勇有谋的吉米,对他十分重用,甚至想要吸纳他成为帮派内部的核心成员。这对警方来说是一件好事,但对吉米来说就没那么好了,因为利特生性残暴而又多疑,如果被他发现了自己的真实身份,那自己就只有死路一条。终于,吉米创造了一个大...
For twenty years, ex-con Charlie Sundstrom (Bailey Chase) has dreamed of seeing his son, but a confrontation in prison prior to Charlie's release has put his son's life in extreme danger. While in a m...