Jim Gordon and Bruce Wayne face the chaos Gotham City has become, as villains who survived the attack on the city begin to resurface and claim various territories; Selina Kyle grapples with how to dea...
Stellar cast confirmed for major new Steven Moffat drama Inside Man, for BBC One and NetflixDavid Tennant (Des; Staged; Doctor Who), Dolly Wells (The Pursuit Of Love; Dracula; Can You Ever Forgive Me...
卧虎藏龙而又凌乱不堪的13区在上一部《暴力街区》时间设定的两年后再次陷入了大宗阴谋事件,达米安上尉(西里尔•拉法埃利 Cyril Raffaelli 饰)与雷伊托(大卫•贝利 David Belle 饰)这次的对手是不择手段的房地产商——13区将因他的房地产计划而毁灭。在利益集团实施一系列精心筹备的栽赃行动后,13区的暴力一面被推向媒体的风口浪尖,13区一时间成为国民心中残暴的象征;达米安又身陷囹...