Follows a family seeking shelter in their neighbor's bunker, when the American economy is in collapse, and the danger inside is greater than outside....
1982年冬天,挪威科考队的一架直升机突然打破了南极大陆的平静,直升机疯狂的追逐一只雪橇犬,最后坠毁在美国科考营地的附近。美国科考队员对挪威考察队近期人员骤减的情况有所耳闻,于是飞行员麦克(Kurt Russell 饰)与众人赶赴挪威营地,结果看到的是一地破败中四处散落着奇怪的尸体,并有证据表明挪威人得到了某种冰封状态中的生物。医生布莱尔(Wilford Brimley 饰)研究了尸体的变异却无法...
《美国罪案故事 American Crime Story》首季主演Courtney B. Vance又一次在FX剧饰演罪犯,这次他将在Dwayne Johnson-Cochran负责开发兼执笔的《88年劫案 Heist 88》中饰演真实犯罪人物Armand Moore。这部背景在1988的现实犯罪剧,讲述擅长操纵别人的Armand Moore(Courtney B. Vance饰)诱使四名年轻...
A private jet crashes into woodland outside London. Among the passengers is a former U.S. Ambassador. Thomas investigates the apparent suicide of a successful businessman, finding unexpected connectio...
Dr Nikki Alexander and Jack Hodgson are looking forward to the future. However buried secrets and memories soon surface, and, when ghosts from the past emerge, the two are forced increasingly close to...