1967 年,四位 CIA 探員以拍攝紀錄片的名義,欲揭穿 NASA 阿波羅計畫,卻意外將自己一步步推向凶險的邊際。「阿波羅登月」被認為是美國最大的陰謀之一,不少人相信阿姆斯壯根本沒有踏上月球,導演以偽紀錄片形式讓觀眾親臨這段爭議歷史,更將正在拍《2001 太空漫遊》的庫柏力克也拉進陰謀論的說法裡。玩弄真實與虛構的界線,暗藏對冷戰時期的嘲諷。...
A girl flees her orphanage in a paranoid belief that otherworldly forces are after her. She seeks refuge in the remote town of Fate, Texas, but is met with hostility. The residents are about to enter ...
On the eve of forced retirement, a violent hurricane traps veteran late night radio host Amy Marlowe and her uneasy staff at WLST while her mysterious new replacement shadows her every move....