天文学院院长(乔治·梅里爱 Georges Méliès 饰)在一次会议上提出天马行空的月球旅行计划。他和另五名大胆的天文学家监制出了炮弹舱和大炮,并在军队的帮助下乘坐炮弹舱顺利登月。兴奋过后六名天文学家精疲力竭的在月球表面睡去,浑然不知许多星星悄然观察着他们熟睡的样貌。最后一场寒冷的降雪唤醒了他们。众人躲藏到地洞中却不慎用雨伞惊扰了月球人,于是一场慌乱的冒险开始了……本片是科幻电影的开山之作,...
[侏罗纪世界]系列短片[大石之战](Battle At Big Rock,暂译)将于9月15日在FX首播,同时释出海报。本片的细节目前还不为人知,卡司包括安德烈·霍兰、娜塔丽·马丁内斯([警戒结束])等。虽然该片的背景时间还不确定,但它很可能会是[侏罗纪世界2]的后续故事。本片由特雷沃罗、艾米丽·卡迈克尔([环太平洋:雷霆再起])联合编剧。...
Ukrainian folk song "Shchedryk" which was sung on Christmas Eve with good wishes, became a worldwide hit thanks to American authors by the name of "Carol of the Bells". The film is...
21-year-old Cioma Schönhaus won't let anyone take away his zest for life, especially not the Nazis. He wants to discover life, but has the misfortune of living as a Jewish person in Berlin in the 1940...
A couple who hope to have a romantic weekend book an innocent Airbnb, unaware of the horrors that have taken place there and the monsters who have claimed it as their “territory.” This basic plot give...