Pauline follows the eponymous protagonist, an 18-year-old who accidentally becomes pregnant – from a one-night stand. With school stress, the climate crisis and the downfall of society weighing heavil...
这一次,华莱士(皮特·塞利斯 Peter Sallis 配音)和他忠心耿耿的狗狗阿高开办了清洁业务。在位羊毛店清洁时,华莱士迷上了女店主温德琳(安妮·雷德 Anne Reid 配音),却不知这家羊毛店正在从事不可告人的勾当。与此同时,华莱士的家来了一名不速之客——小羊肖恩。这个大胃王惹出了不少乱子,却也给华莱士和阿高带来许多乐趣。谁知好景不长,阿高竟被当作杀羊凶手而逮捕,为了救出它,华莱士和肖恩以...
A mysterious woman on the run, and the resourceful fixer assigned to bring her in. Their two unique stories inextricably link, as the stakes of the pursuit rise to apocalyptic proportions....