In Season Three, amid high-stakes adventures, treasure hunts, arson, kidnappings, and murders, Max and Miranda’s personal tensions and odd-couple partnership are put to the test. Overseeing their case...
The Price of Desire tells the controversial story of how Le Corbusier effaced and defaced Eileen Gray's moral right to be recognized as the author of her work and as one of the most forceful and i...
喜剧《Trial and Error》由《俏妈新上路》制片人Jeff Astrof和《不死法医》制作人Matt Miller联合开发。讲述了一个来自大城市的律师和他古怪的助手团如何面对一件来自小镇的谋杀案。该剧将使用最近大热的“罪案纪录片”形式拍摄。D’Agosto 扮演Josh Simon ,一个年轻的大城市律师,伙同他的团队来到一个小镇为一宗高度关注的案件辩护。John Lithgow...