Troubled by bouts of sleepwalking and disturbing nightmares, graduate student Sarah Foster goes to her university sleep research center for help. But when she wakes up after her first night of being m...
The movie chronicles the events of history's"man of mystery," Rasputin. Although not quite historically accurate and little emphasis is put on the politics of the day, Rasputin's rise to power and ev...
《小屁孩日记》(The Diary of a Wimpy Kid)要翻开新的一页了,20世纪福克斯即将重启这一喜剧系列。“小屁孩”系列根据Jeff Kinney的系列图书改编,讲述了一个在家被老哥打压,在学校被同学欺负的小受气包的日常。这个系列一共拍了三部,在全球收获2.252亿美元票房。新的《小屁孩日记》有着全新的主演阵容,其中扮演男主角“格雷格”(Greg)的是杰森·伊恩·朱阿克(Jaso...
Wilhelm’s speech has consequences not only in the court but also throughout the school, as Hillerska confronts the worst crisis in the school’s history....
有一个受聘于美国政府的机密组织,成员包括领军人物克莱(杰弗里·迪恩·摩根 Jeffrey Dean Morgan 饰)、玩世不恭的简森(克里斯·埃文斯 Chris Evans 饰)、武器专家罗克(伊德瑞斯·艾尔巴 Idris Elba 饰)以及普奇(哥伦布·绍特Columbus Short 饰)、酷格(奥斯卡·贾恩那达 Óscar Jaenada 饰)等人。他们在玻利维亚执行任务时,因内鬼麦克斯(...