该剧是“永生宇宙”第二部剧,改编自Anne Rice的“梅菲尔女巫家史 Lives of the Mayfair Witches”三部曲。故事讲述直觉敏锐的年轻神经外科医生Rowan Fielding,她发现自己是一个女巫家族意料之外的继承人。她在努力面对新获得的力量时,还必须应对一种困扰了自己家族几代人的邪恶存在。该电视剧宇宙根据Anne Rice的“吸血鬼编年史-梅菲尔女巫”系列小说打造,...
From Executive Producers Lorne Michaels and Elizabeth Banks comes the second season of Shrill, a comedy series starring Aidy Bryant (Saturday Night Live) as Annie, a young woman who wants to change he...
Intergalactic warrior Star Butterfly arrives on Earth to live with the Diaz family. She continues to battle villains throughout the universe and high school, mainly to protect her extremely powerful w...