The story revolves around Estelle, an incomparably professional long-haul pilot/captain who leads a perfectly structured life alongside her loving and protective husband Guillaume. Everything seems to...
Joy, a secretary at a large multinational company, has an online shopping problem, likes to read adventure novels and watch travel and adventure shows. She daydreams about living a life of adventure. ...
艾萨卡(理查·基尔 Richard Gere 饰)是一位非常著名的精神病学家,某日,他接待了一位名叫狄安娜(乌玛·瑟曼 Uma Thurman 饰)的患者,就此认识了狄安娜的姐姐海瑟(金·贝辛格 Kim Basinger 饰)。美艳不可方物的海瑟很快就令艾萨卡坠入了情网之中无法自拔,然而海瑟已经嫁为人妇,她的丈夫吉米(埃里克·罗伯茨 Eric Roberts 饰)是一个性格非常差劲的男人,动不动就...