The story revolves around Jeanne, a brilliant architect who is entrusted with the renovation of a sumptuous manor house belonging to the rather strange Daguerre family, who sit atop a board games empi...
When Gem (Erica Hubbard) decided to invite her long-lost friend to be the Maid of Honor in her wedding, Allen (Brad James), her fiancé, had no clue he'd be meeting Kiya (Altovise Lawrence), a wildly o...
Interweaving stories of four different women involved in the sex industry offers a glimpse into the dark underbelly of Los Angeles and the taboo lifestyle of a sex worker. A teen runaway, single mothe...
On the eve of forced retirement, a violent hurricane traps veteran late night radio host Amy Marlowe and her uneasy staff at WLST while her mysterious new replacement shadows her every move....
Phil Schreiber, a self-involved hedge fund manager living in New York City, escapes to the Hamptons with his wife and son at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Making an already fraugh...
1987. Denver, Co. One crazy night in the life of four friends reeling from the sudden demise of iconic British band The Smiths, while the local airwaves are hijacked by an impassioned Smiths fan with ...
Exiled unjustly, convicted without trial, slandered without cause. Man of God depicts the trials and tribulations of Saint Nektarios of Aegina, as he bears the unjust hatred of his enemies while preac...