This very Kafka-esque film is Keaton's response to the Fatty Arbuckle scandal.[citation needed] Even though the central character's intentions are good, he cannot win, no matter how inventively he tri...
故事发生在20世纪30年代的美国,罗杰(罗伯特·斯塔克 Robert Stack 饰)曾经是一名非常优秀的飞行员,如今却沦落到了在巡回表演里进行飞行特技表演的境地。糟糕的工作令罗杰的经济状况捉襟见肘,但罗杰对这一切并不在意,因为对于他来说,人生中只有一件重要的东西,那就是飞机。记者布克(洛克·哈德森 Rock Hudson 饰)得知了罗杰的现状,内心里感到十分难过,他想要帮助罗杰,因此决定对他进...
Filmed in Welsh, the picture follows a young woman serving privileged guests at a dinner party in a remote house in rural Wales. The assembled guests do not realize they are about to eat their last su...