作为前作「ef - a tale of memories.」的续篇「ef - a tale of melodies.」目前已经被列入制作日程、并预定10月播放。【STAFF】原作:minori 鏡遊・御影监督:大沼 心监修:新房昭之系列构成・脚本:高山カツヒコ人物原案:七尾奈留・2C=がろあ人物设定・总作画监督:杉山延寛色彩设定:日比野 仁美术监督:小濱俊裕...
Video artist Ryosuke visits the suburb of Furano in Hokkaido, tuikan.cc where his friend lives, in order to shoot a video. His car breaks down and Ryosuke decides to walk to a house and ask for a phon...