Tommy and Diamond hustle to keep CBI's game ahead of Jenard's new faction in the streets, while Tommy makes solo moves to avenge Liliana's death; all the while, Tommy hasn...
With their Mother dying of cancer, intent on changing her will to benefit her “new” husband before she dies, two brothers go to extreme and deadly lengths to protect their inheritance from being signe...
“竖锯”约翰•克莱默(Tobin Bell 饰)肉体虽死,但精神长存。这一次,某医疗保险公司的老总威廉•伊斯顿(Peter Outerbridge 饰)成为他狩猎和考验的目标。威廉贪婪狡诈,他发明了一套医保的计算公式,同时凭借爪牙的协助,成功向无数病入膏肓的人们拒保,从中赚取黑心钱财。然而他没有想到,自己有朝一日也要将生命的决定权交与别人手中。他必须按照“竖锯”的游戏规则,小心翼翼寻找逃生之路。...