For thousands of years, only religion has offered an answer to what happens after death. Science is about to change that. With the help of a physicist, a blind medium, and Thomas Edison's final ex...
凯西(尼古拉斯·霍尔特 Nicholas Hoult 饰)是一个无所事事整日里游手好闲的小贼,因为在美国前科太多,罪行累累,而最终决定逃往德国。在那里,凯西成为了大毒枭格兰(本·金斯利 Ben Kingsley 饰)的手下。虽然对于一个正常人来说,为毒枭卖命并不算是一份健康的工作,但对于过惯了颠沛流离生活的凯西来说,他感到很满足。某日,凯西得知自己的恋人朱丽叶特(菲丽希缇·琼斯 Felicity ...
It’s the start of the spring term in a small northern town, heralding swimming lessons, hanging out with best friends, new classes and new possibilities. But this year, things are different for 14-yea...
海军陆战队员杰克·帕特里克·赖恩(克里斯·派恩 Chris Pine 饰)是一个拥有强烈爱国情怀的热血男儿,在阿富汗执行任务期间,他所乘坐的直升机遭到敌人的炮火攻击,杰克也身受重伤,几乎殒命。康复期间,他与善良美丽的医学院学生凯茜·穆勒(凯拉·奈特莉 Keira Knightley 饰)相知相恋,与此同时他还被CIA官员托马斯·哈柏(凯文·科斯特纳 Kevin Costner 饰),伤愈后潜入华尔...