After being complicit in a costume joke that ends in a fatal accident and a pact of silence, a group of young people will be threatened by an anonymous writer who wants to reveal his dark secret. Thei...
Police officer Lukas, tracking down leads Artan and Louise, a divorced couple on an emotionally-charged road trip when Artan takes Louise hostage to reunite with his daughter. The journey takes them t...
The synopsis introduces Montse (played by Emma Vilarasau), who is very excited because she is about to spend a weekend with the whole family at her house in Cadaqués, on the Costa Brava. She has been ...
马戏团的表演因为呆板无趣而失去了观众,他们面临着破产和倒闭的危险,谁都不知道会不会有“救星”从天而降。流浪汉查理(查理·卓别林 Charles Chaplin 饰)在游园会中被卷入了一个小偷的圈套中,招来警察的追捕。他像无头的苍蝇一样钻进了正在演出的马戏团。舞台上,查理 躲避警察的各种肢体动作,被观众当成马戏团的表演,他们非常喜欢查理的“表演”,热烈地鼓掌来。马戏团老板想让查理留下来,帮助马戏团起...