The Emmy-winning HBO comedy series INSECURE will return for its fifth and final season. The final ten episodes will debut weekly on HBO and be available to stream on HBO Max. Starring NAACP Image Awar...
Detective Inspector Alex Ridley, who is lured back into service as a consultant detective when his former protégée, Carol Farman, needs help cracking a complex murder case....
经典儿童喜剧片《小鬼当家》的重启新版电影《Home Sweet Home Alone》宣布档期:今年11月12日独家上线流媒体Disney+。该片由《乔乔兔》颇受好评的小演员Archie Yates、艾丽·坎伯尔(《伴娘》《我本坚强》)、罗伯·德兰尼(《大祸临头》)等主演,并非与老版剧情一样的翻拍,而是原创故事,片名也有所改动。片方宣传时归类为“《小鬼当家》重启拍新版”,是因为概念相似。老...