Inspired by the original hit Swedish novel and film,the series centers on Mark and his daughter Eleanor, whose lives were changed 10 years earlier when she was turned into a vampire. Starring Demián B...
After discovering a disturbing video from a night she doesn't remember, sixteen-year-old Mandy must try to figure out what happened and how to navigate the escalating fallout....
We follow the hits and (more often than not) the misses of two hapless, dead-broke contract killers who frankly, are more of a danger to themselves than to anyone else. Each episode sees Fran (Sue Per...
《KING OF PRISM by PrettyRhythm》续作《KING OF PRISM-PRIDE the HERO-》制作决定!该做是以TV动画《美妙旋律:彩虹演奏会》中登场男子组合Over The Rainbow为故事主角创作的剧场版。第一部在2016年1月9日上映,此次公开的续作预计将于2017年6月上映。