Inspired by true events, the Barracuda Queens are a group of disaffected teenage girls who, bored of their privileged lives in the affluent Stockholm suburb of Djursholm, become involved in an escalat...
Bad Roomies is a dark comedy about two guys living together who| after losing their roommate| put out an ad to find a new one. After a series of disastrousinterviews with potential roommates they set...
A group of friends fight for survival when they disturb the deranged inhabitants of what was thought to be abandoned estate deep in the woods of East Texas....
在孩子洗澡期间发生一场奇怪的事故之后,护士Allison急忙赶到医院。她儿子Neron早产之后,奇怪的事件就出现了:幻象,生动的梦境和无法解释的杀戮。这些事件与Neron联系在一起,Allison突然预感到她儿子接下来选择的受害者。After a freak accident during her baby shower, Allison, a dedicated nurse, is rushe...