In 1979, a young girl stumbles upon a possessed tape player. She unknowingly unleashes a demonic entity that haunts her family while slowly dragging the small town of Clarkston to Hell....
美剧《shameless》将推出衍生剧,回顾每个角色在前十季的成长经历,第一集将以伊恩(卡梅隆·莫纳汉饰)和米奇(诺尔·费舍饰)为主角,展示他们之间独特的关系,以及从十几岁到充满爱情的复杂的婚姻的演变过程。The 11th and final season of Showtime’s signature comedy Shameless is under way, and now it’s ge...
Unstoppable is an 2013 American documentary film hosted by Kirk Cameron. Directed by Darren Doane. Inspired by the death of a close friend who succumbed to cancer at age 15, Cameron (who also wrote th...
2012年9月19日,全世界数一数二的自行车展INTER BIKE在美国的拉斯维加斯开幕。而一场酝酿已久的风暴在拉斯维加斯著名酒店The Palms Hotel附属的The Pearl Theatre影院爆发。在这个全世界山地车车迷的盛大日子,堪称自行车电影史上最大投资的电影《Where the trail ends》在这里举办了首映礼!2012红牛山地史诗大片《Where The Trail ...
A skilled young female agent is tasked with capturing a rogue former agent before she can unleash a biological weapon starting with the wealthy and powerful purveyors of the international sex trade....