On the remote island of Chiloé in the late 19th century, an Indigenous girl named Rosa lives and works with her father on a farm. When the foreman brutally turns on Rosa’s father, she sets out for jus...
泰吉•巴德兰德巴德(卡尔•潘 Kal Penn 饰)带着范•维尔德的精神和大学学位,远赴英国加尔福德大学——这里是他父亲曾经“战斗”过的地方,兄弟会“狐狸与猎犬”之屋留下了父亲风光的记忆,然而来这里担任助教的泰吉并不被对方认可,狐狸与猎犬的首脑皮普反而将泰吉戏弄了一通。泰吉来到自己负责的宿舍——被戏称为马厩的败落小屋,这里住着四个边缘化的学生:研究量子物理和男女关系的盖辛,暴躁的爱尔兰人谢莫斯,沉...
In India, Smita is an untouchable. She dreams of giving her young daughter an education and will go to any length to make that happen, including leaving behind all she knows in search of a better futu...
After inheriting a farm at Christmas time, a widowed father makes a bumpy adjustment to village life - while his kids hatch a plan to stay there forever.by:www.xiaokan.cc...
When Paula leaves Rio de Janeiro to resume her work as a volunteer doctor in the Amazon, Teto hatches an impulsive plan to follow her and chaos ensues....