WALKING AGAINST THE RAIN tells the story of two strangers, Blair and Tommy who are navigating their way across a barren landscape in a desperate attempt to find each other. With their only form of com...
Adam, an architect, has lived a traumatic life for two years. He is traumatized by seeing his wife and child being killed in front of his eyes. Because he can't feel comfortable at work, he visits...
After witnessing a murder, a young single mother is forced to act as a witness. Threatened on all sides, she must do whatever it takes to protect her son....
A young American clerk Anthony, who was recently divorced, led a lonely lifestyle. His old friend Matt did not answer calls for several days and it looked like he left somewhere without warning any of...
Nadia chickens out of meeting her childhood love, Haniff because she's afraid he will no longer find her attractive. Instead, she persuades her BFF, Kejora to pretend to be her....