'Girls like Magic' explores the blurring lines of the friendship between MAGIC, a naive people-pleasing Brit and JAMIE, a hard-edged, self-sabotaging lesbian as they fall for each other in mor...
After a series of disturbing supernatural events in his home, Joel, a young single father, comes to suspect that his young son may be possessed.约尔是一个单身父亲,在他的家中出现了一些列超自然灵异事件滋扰以后,他开始怀疑自己的小儿子是否被附身。...
Through the clever containment of a single location and only one on-screen character, Monolith surveils disgraced journalist (rising star Lily Sullivan) as she turns to podcasting to salvage her caree...
Wanda's world has been turned upside down when her teenage daughter Nina suddenly turns up in a hijab. Secretly, Nina has converted to Islam; she exclusively eats halal, strictly observes the pray...