After marriage, a woman struggles to be the submissive wife that her husband and his family expect her to be. The story follows her journey, as she changes herself and, even more so, changes the house...
成功事业的律师英格丽德(艾玛·阿普尔顿 Emma Appleton 饰)为约翰(科林·摩根 Colin Morgan 饰)辩护,后者被前女友指控跟踪。约翰是一名魅力十足且充满危险性的成功人士。他曾是英格丽德的客户,在赢得官司后,两人开始了一段恋爱关系。然而,当英格丽德试图结束这段关系时,事情变得一团糟。剧情从英格丽德重新建立生活的时刻开始。在这个过程中,悲剧发生了,约翰再次出现,提出了一项耸人...
The first Nepali woman to summit and descend Mount Everest — now a single mom working at a Connecticut Whole Foods — heads back to Everest to make a better life for her two daughters....