Eve is a Christmas movie fanatic and dreams of having a movie-perfect Christmas with a movie-perfect boyfriend. On Christmas Eve, when Eve and her cynical sister Lacy make wishes to Santa, they wake u...
Terry Goon is keeping strict quarantine in his ex-husband’s Brooklyn brownstone while caring for his nephew — a 19-year-old model from Morocco named Bahlul — bedridden in a full leg cast after an elec...
故事发生在1941年,纳粹占领了乌克兰,对生活在那里的犹太人进行了惨无人道的清洗。年仅6岁的安娜(玛塔·科兹洛娃 Marta Kozlova 饰)虽然在这场暴行中失去了双亲,但自己却奇迹般的活了下来,她躲在纳粹指挥官办公室废弃的壁炉烟道里,不知道何时才能够重见天日。在担惊受怕的这些日子里,安娜白天小心的将自己隐藏起来,静静等待夜幕降临。只有当一切都沉睡在黑暗中后,她才敢偷偷的从藏身处出来,寻找...
On November 14, 1944, the 2nd Ranger Battalion is tasked with sieging the German town of Bergstein, and Hill 400, a highly strategic position that provides the Reich with high ground for artillery.by:...
After escaping from a sex trafficking ring, one teenage girl struggles to reconnect with herself and her family. To rescue her helpless friends, she must confront her own fears and help lead the polic...
这部动画选集汇集了一批新晋动画明星,带您踏上一段充满乐趣的非洲未来之旅。这些动感十足的科幻和奇幻故事受到非洲大陆多元历史和文化的启发,从独特的非洲视角大胆展现了先进技术、外星人、幽灵和怪物的景象。This animated anthology brings together a new wave of animation stars to take you on a wildly entertai...