Festivities take a back seat as DI Parker investigates the murder of a podcaster. She had been probing the disappearance of a child and claimed to have found new evidence. The missing child has haunte...
一群学生来到森林度假,碰上了外太空杀手,以及它那致命的外星生物……(i like this movie's alien~~为了这个怪物造型我找了此片n长时间- -)血腥度:3片中怪物数量:少量怪物类型:外星生物怪物特点:海里的东西会在天上飞……怪物必杀技:吸血大法怪物恶心度:4------Zombiehunter...
Breezy is a teen-aged hippy with a big heart. After taking a a ride with a man who only wants her for sex, Breezy manages to escape. She runs to hide on a secluded property where stands the home of a ...
巴里(尼可·斯彻金格 Nicole Scherzinger 饰)是校园里的风云人物,外号“皇后”,个性奔放热情又美丽的她身后追随者一大堆,可巴里根本不将这些傻男孩放在眼中。一天,巴里驾驶着母亲的车出去兜风,哪知道遇到了车祸,就在巴黎一筹莫展之际,学校里的怪胎男孩摩根(Gay Thomas Wilson 饰)出现在了巴里的面前,成为了她的救世主。摩根虽然个性古怪,在学校里没什么朋友,但是聪明伶俐的...
Lynn and Lucy are life-long best friends, their relationship as intense as any romance. Neither has ventured far from where they grew up. Lynn, who married her first boyfriend and whose daughter is fa...