On the remote island of Chiloé in the late 19th century, an Indigenous girl named Rosa lives and works with her father on a farm. When the foreman brutally turns on Rosa’s father, she sets out for jus...
Fashion is identity for teenage girls and one brand, Brandy Melville, has developed a cult-like following despite its controversial “one size fits all” tagline. Hiding behind its shiny Instagram façad...
泰勒在《玉女神驹》中的出色表演使得她名声大振。在当时,她甚至被视为影片卖座的一个看点。1946年,泰勒出演了《灵犬莱西(Lassie Come Home)》的续集《战火历险记(Courage of Lassie)》。在这部影片中,泰勒扮演的是居住在太平洋西北部一个牧羊人的女儿,她收养了一只受伤的小狗,并给它起了一个名字--比尔。...
Filming has started on BBC Two’s critically acclaimed drama The Last Kingdom, from Carnival Films. The second series, adapted by BAFTA-nominated and RTS award-winning writer Stephen Butchard from Bern...