在布达佩斯的某豪华酒店举行世界国际象棋比赛。Cal Fournier,22岁,法国国际象棋冠军,不成熟的天才型选手。第一天比赛,就因宿醉迟到,昏睡赛场,临近比赛结束才醒来还能漂亮地击败对手。而一个不起眼的九岁匈牙利小男孩选手使原本波澜不惊的赛局泛起丝丝涟漪。7 jours de tournoi dans un grand hôtel à Budapest.Un favori : Cal Fou...
A group of young lesbians from São Paulo go on a beach trip. At the end of the year, the atmosphere is party, friendship and music. Caring for each other, they assume their bodies, their memories and ...
This is about a Little League coach Joe Finn, whose pursuit of fame and fortune leaves him with little but broken relationships-particularly with his son. Determined to win back his son and reunite ot...
A small town cop has settled into a peaceful existence. He is reunited with a good friend from Canada’s security agency and told to be on the lookout for Russians that have disappeared in his County. ...
Robin and Jenna are getting married. Robin is excited beyond words; Jenna is plagued by panic attacks and struggles to write her vows. But when they arrive at their secluded fairy-tale venue, sinister...