On the eve of forced retirement, a violent hurricane traps veteran late night radio host Amy Marlowe and her uneasy staff at WLST while her mysterious new replacement shadows her every move....
A psychological thriller surrounding the real murders of Manfred and Marísia von Richthofen orchestrated by their own daughter, Suzane, along with her boyfriend and brother-in-law, the Cravinhos broth...
An old storyteller tries to convince her grandson that Death no longer exists. Her story will bring back to life the extraordinary people who, by using incredible tricks, will eliminate Death that thr...
NBC竞技真人秀《斯巴达勇士赛:终极团队挑战》(Spartan: Ultimate Team Challenge)源于一种趣味跑步活动,或者说一种耐力测试,目的是看一个人的身体承受极限究竟有多大。这个障碍赛跑项目由斯巴达勇士赛公司组织,全球参与者超过100万人,至今已在20多个国家举办了120多场活动。在本节目中,参赛队由家人、朋友和同事组成,他们将共同跑过一系列经过精心设计的「斯巴达赛道」,将彼...