Three showgirls on their way to Las Vegas have car trouble and are stuck all night out in the desert. The next morning cheerful Andre offers them help in fixing their car. However, Andre is really a m...
Leslie lives with her son Jonas and figures it’s about time for an improvement in their lives. The kid’s father is gone, she’s ready to hang up her crummy waitress job and acting school isn’t bringing...
改编自William Kamkwamba所著自传《驭风男孩》(The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind),讲述一个改变人生的故事:Kamkwamba本人在13岁那年,以小块金属废料、旧自行车零件和木材修建了风轮机,拯救了自己的村庄。13岁的Kamkwamba因家里没钱交80美元一年的学费而被学校开除,热爱学习的他溜到学校的图书馆,找到了一种拯救饥荒村庄的方法:用父亲的自行车...