Set in a girls' boarding school in Venice at the end of the 18th century, Gloria! tells the story of Teresa, a young visionary, who, together with a small group of extraordinary musicians, crosses the...
The film follows the fun adventures of three ancient Egyptian mummies who live in an underground secret city, hidden in ancient Egypt. The trio includes a princess, a former charioteer, and his younge...
The synopsis introduces Montse (played by Emma Vilarasau), who is very excited because she is about to spend a weekend with the whole family at her house in Cadaqués, on the Costa Brava. She has been ...
MAMMA + MAMMA is the story of two women who love each other and of their desire to have a child together. Karole and Ali still don't know that the enthusiasm of this first attempt will be followed...
Io e lei è un film del 2015 diretto da Maria Sole Tognazzi e scritto dalla regista insieme a Ivan Cotroneo e Francesca Marciano, con protagoniste Margherita Buy e Sabrina Ferilli, per la prima volta i...