Hardin portrays romance novelist Emilia, described as a whirlwind who blows back into the lives of her adult children, Taylor (McNamara) and Zach (Lloyd-Jones), under the pretense of a book signing ar...
Are you ready to watch a love story full of adrenaline? Ese, a biker who wants to be the regional champion, and Deniz, who believes that she'll be taken away from the world by the UFOs one day, ar...
Follows the outlandish adventures of Vincent and Alban. Vincent, in his thirties works for the Meurthe-et-Moselle departmental council; his girlfriend, Louise, who also happens to be his boss, has jus...
'Blackmail' is a story about a cop (Sunil Shetty) and a criminal (Ajay Devgan). The criminal wants to get even with the cop for having put him behind bars and he does so by kidnapping the cop&...
在布达佩斯的某豪华酒店举行世界国际象棋比赛。Cal Fournier,22岁,法国国际象棋冠军,不成熟的天才型选手。第一天比赛,就因宿醉迟到,昏睡赛场,临近比赛结束才醒来还能漂亮地击败对手。而一个不起眼的九岁匈牙利小男孩选手使原本波澜不惊的赛局泛起丝丝涟漪。7 jours de tournoi dans un grand hôtel à Budapest.Un favori : Cal Fou...
Danny Bishop is a gambling prodigy. After exiling himself to prison, he returns to his brothers home only to find himself back in the game because of a large debt for his protection in prison. He cons...
在一座古老的阴森恐怖的坟场中,经常发生一些莫名其妙的惨案,令人百思不得其解。这天,麦克(A.麦克•鲍德温_A. Michael Baldwin 饰)最好的朋友不幸也在坟场中遇害了。伤心欲绝的麦克发誓一定要为朋友报仇,于是他决定深夜前往坟场找出朋友遇害的秘密。于是这天夜里,麦克偷偷潜进了坟场。半夜过后,麦克看到了令人毛骨悚然的一幕,这个古老的坟场里竟然居住着大量的丧尸,他们都以食人为乐!惊慌不已的麦...