In the movie, three-time winner of “Best Yell in Action Film,” box office king and action star Nic Cassino is knocked off his perch by the next generation of action heroes. In an attempt to revive his...
Special Agent Will Trent was abandoned at birth and endured a harsh coming-of-age in Atlanta's overwhelmed foster care system. Determined to make sure no one feels as he did, he now has the highest cl...
Franklin and Cissy look to make an investment in the community, while Andre tries to figure out what is destroying it. Jerome unveils his new business. A new cook on the streets is competing with Fran...
A teenager with the ability to enter other people's dreams. When he witnesses a dark spirit taking people's lives in their dreams, he quickly realizes that it's related to the mysterious deaths that a...
Isolated on the fringes of a soulless metropolis, Catherine survives on scraps of translation work. But a mysterious client offers a lucrative job, and an opportunity for Catherine to indulge in her m...