Four insomniac med school students are lured into a neuroscience experiment that spirals out of control and must find a way out before it's too late....
泰剧《名门绅士2:淑女之心》是泰国三台庆祝电视台成立52周年的项目。讲述名门绅士五部曲五大少的后代们的爱情故事(大少2个孩子,二少1个孩子,三少2个孩子,四少2个孩子,五少4个孩子)。续作依然是由五部曲组成,分别由五家公司进行制作。每部预计12-15集,每集约80分钟。Phorncheewan #พรชีวัน Good Feeling制作二少儿子泰国驻某国大使,邂逅一位疾恶如仇的开朗留学...
The Amazing Race 20 is the twentieth installment of the reality television show The Amazing Race. The Amazing Race 20 features eleven teams of two, each with a pre-existing relationship, in a race aro...