Looking for work, Aaron comes across a cryptic online ad: “$1,000 for the day. Filming service. Discretion is appreciated.” Low on cash and full of naiveté, he decides to go for it. He drives to a cab...
Iman 和家人因為人言可畏而逃離伊朗,在瑞典北部一家破舊酒店尋求庇護。身為難民,寄人籬下,知道無法事事如意,Iman 感到連自己作為家中老大的權力也大不如前,唯有竭力維持。為了加快得到庇護的機會,他大膽違背對妻子的承諾,加入了當地的摔跤會。然而,人們的指指點點一再浮現,Iman 再次活在恐懼和絕望中,更面臨著人生中最大的挑戰。一部深入探討難民面臨鬥爭以及為保護親人而犧牲的電影,引人入勝,發人深省...
Unable to support his family in the Australian outback, a man turns to stealing horses in order to make money. He gets more deeply drawn into the outlaw life, and eventually becomes involved in murder...