Decades post-high school, Ram and Jaanu meet at their school's reunion and explore their past thoughts consisting of affection, care, depth and grieve all over the period of one evening....
Sibling rivalry turned into betrayal between two brothers. One a prime candidate for Prime Minister, the other a henchman for a successful, yet shady businessman. Presented with an opportunity to take...
影片是根据真人真事改编的,K19是苏联第一艘战略核潜艇。影片导演凯瑟琳·毕格罗是首位奥斯卡最佳女导演奖获得者。亚里克西(哈里森·福特 Harrison Ford 饰)船长,在冷战最为紧张的时刻接到命令接替原船长米克黑尔( 连姆·尼森 Liam Neeson 饰)出任核动力导弹潜艇K-19的指挥官。亚里克西的任务是不惜一切代价,尽快将这艘维护不当的潜艇投入作战戒备,执行其处女航行。但是两人和...
Mid-August in Paris (the title is a date: August 15) in a sunny, quiet apartment a young woman talks, thinks, reflects about herself, everyday life and little events in a long, uninterrupted monologue...
Over twenty years ago rival nations put aside political and cultural differences and came together in a demonstration of international co-operation to create something unique – The International Space...