With the world of Fae in chaos following Bo's explosive reunion with her mother, Bo must learn to"play the game" and navigate the inner workings of Faedom in order to protect those who have helped to...
La Soga 2 is a suspenseful thriller and love story, where a former hitman fights to rescue the love of his life, while confronting his inner demons and violent past....
A group of activists break into a government facility in hope to expose what they're doing.. Only to realise they are in more danger than they could of ever imagined when a wild beast breaks free....
在北美的民间故事里,淫妖是一种奇怪的生物,她们靠吸食人类的性能量来生存。异种的世界里,所有异种都必须在光明和黑暗的战营里做出选择。然而,女淫妖Bo(安娜•希尔克 Anna Silk 饰)却决定选择人类。一次偶然的机会,Bo救了古灵精怪的人类少女Kenzie(肯瑟尼亚•索 Ksenia Solo 饰),并且结识了同为异种的狼人警探Dyson(克里斯滕•豪登雷德 Kris Holden-ried 饰...
When Gumdrop and Vroomer, the latest members of the Plane Scout crew, are sent on a mission by commander Gumdrop, they take off on the greatest adventure of their lives. As they fly high in the clouds...