查姆逊(尚格·云顿 Jean-Claude Van Damme 饰)是经验丰富的美国老兵,特别擅长解救被拐儿童。一次行动中发生的意外让他的心陷入了无尽的自责之中,此间,费登(乔·弗拉尼甘 Joe Flanigan 饰)的女儿贝姬(Charlotte Beaumont 饰)无故失踪,通过重重的关系,费登找到了查姆逊,希望他能够帮助自己找回爱女,没想到,依然身处阴云之中的查姆逊拒绝了他。无奈之下,爱...
A woman finds herself kidnapped and entrapped in the enclosed space of a speeding car's trunk, wearing her brand-new wedding dress, and with her phone the only available tool. The situation deteri...
有一年圣诞节来到,纽约动物园内的欢声笑语,所有的动物都在为了这个每年一度的节日而欢呼雀跃。当然,企鹅四人组也不例外,它们准备了丰富的晚宴和圣诞礼物。不过,小兵(Christopher Knights 配音)在侦查时发现,有一只北极熊孤单一人,倍感落寞。小兵感同身受,它偷偷溜了出去,决定为北极熊寻找一份礼物。发现同伴失踪,队长(Tom McGrath 配音)、里克(John Di Maggio 配音...
WRITERS RETREAT is a horror film written by Jeremy Sheldon & C.M. Taylor set on fictional Kilton Island where strangers come together to develop their writing. Mark Twain famously said: "Writ...