《圣诞颂歌》是英国作家查尔斯·狄更斯的小说名篇,主人公史高哲(Scrooge,又译“斯克鲁奇”)是个远近闻名的吝啬鬼,他刻薄、冷漠而又视财如命的形象让人记忆深刻。史高哲经营者一家账房,可是,有一天,他那死去的生意伙伴雅各布的鬼魂出现,改变了一切。In this adaptation of the Christmas story narrated by Charles Dickens himse...
本(马修·布罗德里克 Matthew Broderick 饰)希望能够成为一名儿童歌曲创作歌手,可现实是残酷的,他似乎并没有这方面的天赋。为了维持生计,本还从事着校对的工作,但在不久之前,他得到了解雇通知,这也就意味着,本彻底成为了无业游民。在事业一败涂地的同时,本也没能够扮演好一个父亲的角色。答应带女儿出去玩的他,留给女儿的只有不断的承诺以及不断的爽约。在纷乱的生活中,唯一能让本放松的,就是...
Buster Keaton and Virginia Fox play young lovers who live in tenements, the rear of which face each other, with backyards separated by a wooden fence. Their families feud over the lovers' relationship...
A stranger breaks into the house of a couple, ties up the husband and, having a whole weekend at his hand, plays a slow game with the woman, a game of threats, fear, obedience - and intimacy....
When famous pop star Eden Chase is almost kidnapped by a crazed fan, she enlists the help of handsome, brooding bodyguard Jackson Reed to move into her home and become her security full-time. But when...