In this tense, twist-filled psychological thriller, Naomie Harris and Natalie Dormer deliver captivating performances as two estranged friends who reunite over tea, only to unveil a dangerous and dece...
《福尔摩斯:基本演绎法》由CBS出品,根据《福尔摩斯》系列改编,地点从19世纪大英帝国国势鼎盛的时期搬到了21世纪繁华热闹的美国纽约。 故事里的Sherlock Holmes(约翰尼·李·米勒 Jonny Lee Miller 饰)曾是苏格兰场(伦敦警察厅)的顾问,因毒瘾问题被送到纽约康复中心进行强制戒毒。结束这段不光彩的历史后在布鲁克林安顿下来。他的父亲雇佣了因医疗事故放弃职业的琼恩·华生医生J...
In this tense, twist-filled psychological thriller, Naomie Harris and Natalie Dormer deliver captivating performances as two estranged friends who reunite over tea, only to unveil a dangerous and dece...
《福尔摩斯:基本演绎法》由CBS出品,根据《福尔摩斯》系列改编,地点从19世纪大英帝国国势鼎盛的时期搬到了21世纪繁华热闹的美国纽约。 故事里的Sherlock Holmes(约翰尼·李·米勒 Jonny Lee Miller 饰)曾是苏格兰场(伦敦警察厅)的顾问,因毒瘾问题被送到纽约康复中心进行强制戒毒。结束这段不光彩的历史后在布鲁克林安顿下来。他的父亲雇佣了因医疗事故放弃职业的琼恩·华生医生J...
Joseph and Brenda have done what many only dream of and retired to the South of France to live out the rest of their days as if they were permanently on holiday. But retirement is not what Joseph imag...
White Lies is described as an “urgent exploration of race and privilege, inequality and identity.”Set in the wealthy neighbourhood of Bishopscourt, Cape Town, the series is described as following in...