2003年,伊拉克战争爆发。萨达姆政府受到重创,大规模杀伤性武器(WMD)成为美国出兵伊拉克的有力借口。罗伊·米勒(马特·戴蒙 Matt Damon 饰)所率领的小分队奉命在伊拉克境内寻找WMD,然而无数次的搜寻皆无所获,这令米勒对线报的来源心生疑惑。某次行动中,他遇到当地的独腿男子法哈迪,从对方口中米勒得知一众伊拉克关键人物正在某地集会,行动中意外发现扑克牌通缉令上的艾尔·拉威(Yigal Na...
A Little League baseball team of misfits dedicate their season to a player's dying father. In doing so, they accomplish the impossible by reaching the World Series finals in a game that became an ESPN...
A Little League baseball team of misfits dedicate their season to a player's dying father. In doing so, they accomplish the impossible by reaching the World Series finals in a game that became an ESPN...