Viaplay’s reboot follows 40-year-old Inspector John Rebus at a psychological crossroads following an altercation with an infamous Edinburgh gangster. At odds with a job increasingly driven by technocr...
十六岁的黑人男孩詹姆·华莱士(罗伯·布朗 Rob Brown 饰)在篮球方面极富天赋,非常有潜力成为篮球界的明日之星。他常常与小伙伴们一起打篮球,他们注意到住在对面公寓顶层的沉默男人总是看着他们。这位神秘的隐士原来就是知名作家威廉·佛瑞斯特(肖恩·康纳利 Sean Connery 饰)。一次偶然的恶作剧让两人相互结识,威廉发现他在写作方面也很有天份。很快,詹姆凭借自己出色的篮球技术和优秀成绩,获得...
《耶稣基督:走出埃及》是《夜访吸血鬼》作者安妮·赖斯(Anne Rice)“耶稣基督系列”的第一部,讲述了7岁的耶稣和他的家人离开埃及回到拿撒勒,发现了自己出生的真相、以及自己的使命。还有第二部名叫《通往迦南的道路》(The Road To Cana),而第三部《天堂王国》(The Kingdom of Heaven)则还在创作当中。《耶稣基督:走出埃及》由克里斯·哥伦布(Chris Colu...
Tommy and Diamond hustle to keep CBI's game ahead of Jenard's new faction in the streets, while Tommy makes solo moves to avenge Liliana's death; all the while, Tommy hasn...
With their Mother dying of cancer, intent on changing her will to benefit her “new” husband before she dies, two brothers go to extreme and deadly lengths to protect their inheritance from being signe...