Former youth boxing champion Jimmy McCabe, after hitting rock bottom, returns to his childhood boxing club and his old team, gym owner Bill and corner-man Eddie....
The three part ITV production follows Jimmy (Winstone) after his release from prison, as he discovers how his family have been getting on without him....
国际特种部队间谍吉姆(西恩·潘 Sean Penn 饰),为了他的爱人而想要退出组织,但天不从人愿,就在他完成最后一项“任务”时,为了确保自身安全与公司利益,他必须要人间蒸发匿身他处,与心爱的人从此分开。离开组织在欧洲流亡多年后,吉姆以为能够脱离危险,就此过着平静的生活;无奈人生并非他想像中单纯,在刚果被神秘人物追杀的他,被迫放下所有,展开逃亡。逃亡途中他辗转联系到昔日战友,并寻求他们的协助,却...