Brilliant playwright, Lisa, no longer writes. She lives in Switzerland with her family but her heart has stayed in Berlin, beating to the rhythm of her brother's heart. The ties between the twins have...
Mario works in a large warehouse of lost objects where he keeps all kinds of belongings all kinds of belongings accumulated over the decades. Mario, who has Mario, who has long since decided to distan...
故事发生在位于阿尔巴尼亚的古老山区中,在当地,依然流传着关于婚姻和男女关系的非常古老的规则。少女汉娜(阿尔芭·洛瓦赫 Alba Rohrwacher 饰)生于斯长于斯,看尽了当地妇女艰辛的生存状态,特立独行的汉娜默默发誓,绝不嫁人从此成为操劳家务的奴仆。于是,依照当地的律法,汉娜许下了诺言,一辈子守身如玉,从此,在所有人的眼中,她不再是一名女性,同时也不再享受身为女性的所拥有的权利。就这样,汉娜...