故事发生在一个海底油田基地,突然受到剧烈台风袭击后,工作人员开始相继失踪,而负责人吉姆(威廉·弗西斯 William Forsythe 饰)在寻找失踪人员时被一种神秘怪物袭击身亡。随后,员工们一个接一个地被这个神秘怪物吞噬,使得整个基地陷入了恐慌与绝望之中。在这个孤立无援的环境中,工作人员们不得不团结一致,拿起武器进行反抗。他们面临着未知的威胁和生死存亡的考验,但他们拥有团队精神和求生的意志。通...
A Native American grandmother who lives very simply alone in the desert actually inhabits a world that her half-Hispanic grandson and an aging white magician are surprised to rediscover....
A woman finds herself kidnapped and entrapped in the enclosed space of a speeding car's trunk, wearing her brand-new wedding dress, and with her phone the only available tool. The situation deteri...