Narrated by the legendary Andy Griffith (THE ANDY GRIFFITH SHOW, MATLOCK), this heartwarming animated special is a charming re-imagination of the classic Christmas story following the three wise men o...
A 'mockumentary' about David Moore, the filmmaker who first dreamed of "sharks in a tornado" and brought on disaster by using real sharks. The first SHARKNADO was to be a movie never...
Meet Steve, a fame-hungry, self-absorbed comedian on the verge of joining the ‘big league’. When he accidentally kills Mike, a jealous wannabe stand-up comic, he becomes convinced that the man’s ghost...
In an island, a young couple, Violet and Peter, offers a sex swap with fellow guest Olivia, a hot lesbian. What starts as a mutually-beneficial deal turns rough and tumble when Peter demands more than...
又是一部段落式青春爱情片,几对青春少年少女演绎几个不同口味的爱情故事。“有时候,爱要……说……清楚”ในบางทีรักไม่เกี่ยง…รุ่น Love Sees No ... Maybe in version你看见爱情,你确定那是爱情?你怀疑爱情,你真的不知道她已经来临?“有时候,真爱与辈分无关”หลายๆทีไม่ต้องรักมาก แต่ต้อง…ชัดมาก M...