In a dilapidated cyberpunk city plagued by crime and corruption, an unscrupulous District Attorney is savagely murdered and tossed out of a building onto his brand new car.Mysteriously, the District ...
这部拍摄于1989年版的《变蝇人2》是1986年版《变蝇人》的续集,影片承接第一集母亲维尼卡怀上赛斯孩子的伏笔,当她产下一枚蝇蛹时被当场吓死。当局的科研机关巴托工业园收养了苍蝇之子马丁·布朗多(艾瑞克·斯托罗兹 Eric Stoltz饰),由巴托工业的老总巴托先生(约翰·盖兹 John Getz饰)抚养。巴托先生密切监视着马丁的一举一动,表面上把马丁视如己出,实则却把他当作研究对象,暗地里用摄像机...
“After being embarrassed by the mean girls at school, Faye, a practicing witch, summons the evil Cupid to take revenge on all those who wronged her. On Valentine’s Day, Cupid does in fact rise and wil...
美女作家珍妮弗(Camille Keaton 饰)为了寻求灵感而远离喧嚣的尘世,来到宁静的郊外静心写作。她的美貌以及火辣打扮勾起了当地几名青年的邪念,他们假意帮助羞涩内向的男孩马修(Richard Pace 饰)追求珍妮弗,实则伺机强暴了她。由于马修的软弱,饱受蹂躏的珍妮弗侥幸逃命。不久后,珍妮弗重返此地,马修他们起初惶恐万分,但转而发现珍妮弗已经变成开放大胆的豪放女,遂放心与之交往。然而,珍妮弗...
Norm, the newly crowned polar bear king of the arctic, must save New York City and his home. But Norm goes from hero to villain when he's framed for a crime he didn't commit. He must work with...
Sibling rivalry turned into betrayal between two brothers. One a prime candidate for Prime Minister, the other a henchman for a successful, yet shady businessman. Presented with an opportunity to take...